Selected journal articles
Landon, A.C., Jacobs, M.H., Miller, C.A., Vaske, J.J., and Williams, B.D. 2020. Cognitive and affective predictors of Illinois residents’ perceived risks from gray wolves. Society and Natural Resources 33(5): 574-593. Link
Vaske, J.J., Beaman, J., and Miller, C.A. 2020. Influence of advanced notice record cards on waterfowl hunting participation and harvest distributions. Human Dimensions of Wildlife 25(3): 250-258. Link
Vaske, J.J., Beaman, J., and Miller, C.A. 2020. Minimal effect sizes do not imply minimal effects for differences in long-tailed distributions. Human Dimensions of Wildlife 25(3): 281-290. Link
Vaske, J.J., Landon, A.C., and Miller, C.A. 2020. Normative influences on farmers’ intentions to practice conservation without compensation. Environmental Management 66: 191-201. Link
Vaske, J.J., Miller, C.A., McLean, H.E., and Jaebker, L.M. 2020. Beliefs, perceived risks and acceptability of lethal management of wild pigs. Wildlife Research 48(3): 202-208. Link
Ahlers, A.D., and Miller, C.A. 2019. Testing waterfowl hunters’ waterfowl identification skills. Wildfowl 69:206-220. Link
Landon, A.C., Miller, C.A., and Williams, B.D. 2019. Assessing Illinois residents’ support for natural recolonization of apex predators. Environmental Management 63(2): 260-269. Link
Vaske, JJ. and Miller, C.A. 2019. Deer hunters’ disease risk sensitivity over time. Human Dimensions of Wildlife 24(3): 217-230. Link
Zhang, X. and Miller, C.A. 2019. Associations between socioeconomic status and hunting license sales among census tracts in Cook County, Illinois. Human Dimensions of Wildlife 24(2): 148-158. Link
Sears., D.T., Landon, A.C., and Miller, C.A. 2018. Outfitter use as a constraint negotiation mechanism in snow goose hunting. Human Dimensions of Wildlife 23(5): 499-501. Link
Sponarski, C.C., Miller, C.A., and Vaske, J.J. 2018. Perceived risks and coyote management in an urban setting. Journal of Urban Ecology 4(1): 1-5. Link
Vaske, J.J., Miller, C.A., Ashbrook, A.L., and Needham, M.D. 2018. Proximity to chronic wasting disease, perceived risk, and social trust in the managing agency. Human Dimensions of Wildlife 23(2): 115-128. Link
Vaske, J.J., Miller, C.A., Toombs, T.P., Schweizer, L.A., and Powlen, K.A. 2018. Farmers’ value orientations, property rights and responsibilities, and willingness to adopt Leopold’s land ethic. Society and Natural Resources 31(10): 1118-1131. Link
Miller, C.A. and Ahlers, A.A. 2017. Where does the money go? Awareness of Federal Duck Stamp Fund expenditures among Illinois waterfowl hunters. Human Dimensions of Wildlife 22(3): 291-294. Link
Ahlers, A.A., Heske, E.J. and Miller, C.A. 2016. Economic influences on trapper participation and per capita harvest of muskrat. Wildlife Society Bulletin, 40(3): 548-553. Link
Harper, E.E., Miller, C.A., Vaske, J.J., Mengak, M.T. and Bruno, S. 2016. Stakeholder attitudes and beliefs toward wild pigs in Georgia and Illinois. Wildlife Society Bulletin, 40(2): 269-273. Link
Harper, E.E., Miller, C.A. and Vaske, J.J. 2015. Hunter Perceptions of Risk, Social Trust, and Management of Chronic Wasting Disease in Illinois. Human Dimensions of Wildlife, 20(5): 394-407. Link
Miller, C.A., Stephenson, A.L. and Williams, B.D. 2015. Reported Harvest and Days Afield Among Waterfowl Hunters: Do Pre-season Contacts Make a Difference? Human Dimensions of Wildlife, 20(2): 182-184. Link
Alessi, M.G., Miller, C.A. and Harper, E.E. 2013. Content analysis of three waterfowl hunting DVDs. Human Dimensions of Wildlife, 18(2): 152-158. Link
Akiba, H., Miller C. A., and Matsuda H. 2012. Factor Influencing Public Preference for Raccoon Eradication Plan in Kanagawa, Japan. Human Dimensions of Wildlife 17: 207-219. Link
Alessi M. G. and C. A. Miller. 2012. Internet Use by Illinois Hunters: Ten Years After. Human Dimensions of Wildlife, 17: 311-312. Link
Alessi, M.G. and Miller, C.A., 2012. Comparing a convenience sample against a random sample of duck hunters. Human Dimensions of Wildlife, 17(2): 155-158. Link
Miller, C. A. 2012. Spinning-Wing Decoy Use and Reported Duck Harvest in Illinois: Implications for Adaptive harvest Management. The Journal of Wildlife Management 76(3): 583-587. Link
Loyd, K.A.T. and Miller, C.A. 2010. Influence of demographics, experience and value orientations on preferences for lethal management of feral cats. Human Dimensions of Wildlife, 15(4): 262-273. Link
Loyd, K. A. and Miller, C. A. 2010. Factors Related to Preferences for Trap-Neuter-Release Management of Feral Cats Among Illinois Homeowners. Journal of Wildlife Management 74(1): 160-165. Link
Goddard, J.L. and Miller, C.A. 2009. Assessment of deer harvest reporting systems in the eastern United States.Human Dimensions of Wildlife, 14: 458–459. Link
Miller, C.A. and Shelby L. B. 2009. Hunters’ General Disease Risk Sensitivity and Behaviors Associated with Chronic Wasting Disease. Human Dimensions of Wildlife 14: 133-141. Link
Miller, C.A. 2004. Deer hunter participation and chronic wasting disease in Illinois: An assessment at time zero. Human Dimensions of Wildlife, 9(3): 237-239. Link
Miller, C.A. 2003. Hunter perceptions and behaviors related to Chronic Wasting Disease in northern Illinois. Human Dimensions of Wildlife 8(3): 229-230. Link
Miller, C.A. and Vaske J.J. 2003. Individual and situational influences on declining hunter effort in Illinois. Human Dimensions of Wildlife 8(4): 263-276. Link
Miller, C.A. 2003. Use of the internet among Illinois hunters: Defining the market. Human Dimensions of Wildlife 8(4): 307-308. Link